Sunday, February 5, 2012

upcycle tip #1 -- fabric on a budget

One of my favorite crafting tools is my sewing machine. I can and have spent hours at a time at my sewing machine. One thing you'll quickly learn as a sewer is that fabric is not cheap. Even with coupons and sale prices it can add up pretty quickly. So here's few ways to get the best fabric without breaking the bank:

1. Shop the plus size sale racks at your favorite clothing store. That's right. You can actually get really great bargains if you shop in the right section. Some stores have $1 racks or closeout deals on imperfect items. Though it might not be something you'd normally purchase, look at the fabric instead of the item itself. Get the largest size you can find of a fabric that appeals to you and you'll get much more that what you'd pay for in the craft store. For instance, the Old Navy near me always has a $1.97 rack. I always buy out the XXL tops in some cute patterns and super soft fabrics!

2. Shop the remnants section. Most fabric stores will sell the end of the fabric roll, usually about a yard or so, for about 70% off the normal price. I've found some great deals on quality fabric this way.

3. Check out the thrift store. I like to shop the curtains, sheets, and used clothing racks for anything that's still in good condition. Buy a large size, throw it in the washing machine and you've got yourself some new fabric to work with!

4. Shop your closet. Have an old top you can't seem to part with but will never wear again? Make it into something new that you can use again. My favorite craft is making old concert t-shirts into throw pillows so that they're on display instead of balled up in my closet collecting dust.

Keep these tips in mind and remember that crafting doesn't mean you have to break the bank at the craft store. Chances are, you've got almost everything you need to make something new right under your nose! Happy crafting!

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